Leadership styles you can apply with your remote workers
The number of companies with both virtual and on-site workers is increasing, meaning that more leaders have to adapt to correctly leading teams that work in different modalities. It implies a different set of skills and strategies, as you have to keep engaged with a team of people that you don’t interact with face to […]
How to organize tasks you need to delegate to make your business grow
In the path of making your business grow, you may consider that it’s time to get extra help, but you don’t know what tasks to delegate or you haven’t figured out the activities that do require that you pay your attention to them. It isn’t difficult to figure out what you can and should delegate. […]
How to promote an organizational culture with virtual employees
Employees working in different modalities need different approaches to be induced to the organization’s culture. You can have both traditional on site employees and virtual employees, because of the differences between these employees, you have to look for different alternatives of how to integrate them to the culture of the company. Why is this so […]
6 Practices that can help you keep your virtual assistant engaged
Without face to face supervision, keeping a remote worker engaged and connected to their responsibilities may seem like a difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be. Their level of engagement can depend on different factors such as their capacity to self motivate within their work, or how much they commit to completing their obligations. […]
6 Reasons why you should hire a virtual assistant
You have observed that your business may be needing someone to take on some administrative duties that are taking time away from your more specialized workers and are preventing them from really dedicating themselves to making the business grow. You may be thinking of possible solutions when you come across the idea of hiring an […]
4 Strategies to be a good leader with virtual workers
With the increase of remote work, team leaders and directors have to adapt to managing their employees and being leaders without face to face interactions. Facing these challenges may be discouraging, but necessary, due to the various benefits of virtual work. There’s no need to feel lost, there are multiple strategies you can include in […]